Should I take a job promotion or travel?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Still working....

So...I got the job with Staples in Columbia and been living here for the past 9 months. Not going to lie, I actually like Columbia. Definitely different than Charlotte but has a very laid back atmosphere and the people are nice. No drama on my end which is great. I still ponder about where my life would be if I did travel for a year, but I also think...I wouldn't have met the people I've met if I would have traveled. And honestly I'm so thankful to have them in my life. I love where I live, the neighbors are the best part. The group keeps growing and always something going on. Columbia is a great central location for traveling too, so it's really easy to get around.

I definitely haven't held back from traveling. Just got back from a week long vacation in Hawaii with my friend Cassie Schofield. Lots of fun and so beautiful. Looking to go somewhere else in the winter for a few days to relax from work. I love vacations so I'm up for anything. Anyways that's about it for now. May have to come up with a new blog title since I'm not actually travelling around the world at this point in my life. The dream is still there...I mean I may even have an opportunity to work for Staples in wouldn't be such a bad gig if that worked out.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Next Steps...

Job in Baltimore is a no go....time for SC (Columbia). I'm applying this week and will continue to work with Staples for a few more weeks...if I get a "no" than I know I am meant to travel.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Plans On Hold

Travel plans have been put on hold for a few weeks. I am applying for a job with Staples in Baltimore and will find out within the next day or so. If I get the job I will make the move, if not I will most likely still travel. There may be an opening for SC, so I will probably apply for that as well and see where life takes me. Facing a lot of decisions this week on whether or not to take a job or my trip. Both great opportunities. Guess I will see what God has in store for me and take it from there. I will update soon!!!